When planning for a whole house painting project, many people often make the mistake of painting the wrong rooms first and finding themselves in an uncomfortable position later on. Knowing tricks for prioritizing rooms for painting is important for a smoother house painting project. Here, we will share with you a useful guide from Madani Group about how to prioritize rooms for house painting.
Prioritizing Which Rooms Should Be Painted First:
When prioritizing which rooms should be painted first, you should think about how different aspects of your home life will be affected. A house paint job will affect how you sleep, eat, and move around, so it’s best first to paint rooms with the most important functions.
1. Bedroom:
The bedroom is where you can rest after a long day of painting and other chores, so you might want to accomplish that first. The sooner you start painting the bedroom, the sooner you can use it for rest again. However, some homeowners like to paint this room last so they will have a decent, paint smell-free room to sleep in during the entire house painting project. It depends on your preference.
2. Bathroom:
If you don’t want to start with your bedroom which can be too big as a starter, starting with the bathroom is a good idea. Bathrooms are generally smaller in size than the other rooms in your house so you won’t get overwhelmed. You’ll feel accomplished and encouraged to paint the other parts of the house when you see a finished bathroom.
3. Kitchen:
Having the kitchen freshly painted next will give you and your family access to your fresh produce so you won’t have to eat out all the time. When painting the kitchen, it’s crucial to remove every utensil, equipment, and food to prevent food poisoning.
5. Living-room:
When the essentials are done and over with, you can now move on to painting your living room. This room is likely to have the most furniture and be the biggest room in your house as well, so it may take a little bit longer.
6. Laundry-room:
Painting the laundry room the last will keep your clothes from smelling like paint. Important note: do the laundry before the painting project and don’t wash your clothes during the process.
7. Attic and Basement:
Attics and basements can be painted last because you probably don’t hang out up there very often. Just be careful not to stain the other already painted rooms in the process. Keep the windows open and the door to the rest of the house closed to keep the smell from spreading into your home. Using fans to push the air out of the windows will help as well.
Last Notes on Prioritizing Rooms for Painting

How to prioritize rooms for house painting depends on your preference. Carefully analyze how the painting job will affect your daily home routines and which order of rooms to be painted first will allow you to resume normal life the soonest. If you’re unsure about how to proceed, contact our professional painters for expert opinion on prioritizing rooms for painting.