Having the interior of your home painted can be an exciting time because it refreshes the entire way your home looks. You may be eager to start putting items back the minute that the painter walks out the door that afternoon. Picture frames get hung up on the walls that are already dry and furniture gets put back together. However, will it be safe for children to sleep in their own rooms if they have been freshly painted?
Nobody wants to take an unnecessary risk with their children’s health and safety. Placing them in a freshly painted bedroom certainly could pose a risk to their well-being. In most cases, your children are probably fine to sleep in their own bedrooms if you know what type of paint was used in your home. This is the real determining factor regarding whether children should be exposed to the aroma of paint fumes all night long.
If you are worried about your child’s well-being, here are a few ways to help you tell if it’s safe for them to sleep in their room.
Look at the VOCs in the paint
On your gallon of paint, you may see it reference the VOCs (volatile organic compounds) found in your paint. These compounds are emitted from the paint and can cause some serious long-term health effects with continuous exposure. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, you may suffer from eye irritation, headaches, skin reactions, or nausea among others.
With a zero to low VOC paint, your children will be fine to sleep in the bedroom the same day that it is painted. If they are simply sensitive to the smell, you can open the window and place fans in the bedroom for the first 24 hours until they return to sleeping in the room. On the other hand, a high VOC option requires a lot more time to dry properly before it stops releasing more VOCs. In this case, you should wait roughly two weeks to resume sleeping in the bedroom.
Consider your child’s tolerance for odors
Some children are bound to be more sensitive to the smell of paint than others. Keep in mind whether your child is known to be more sensitive or prone to headaches. If so, you might want to consider having their room painted early in the morning so it can dry throughout the day. Opening the windows can help to air it out so you can be ready to put the kids to bed that night.
If the room still has a strong odor by the time they need to go to bed, you may want to see if they can sleep at a friend’s house or in a different room that was not painted. With low VOC paint, the smell should be mostly gone in two to three days.
Depending on the type of paint you used, your child should be able to sleep in a freshly painted bedroom. You need one of the best interior painting companies to help you make a wise decision about what type of paint to use on your next project. Contact Madani Group today for an affordable and professional painting experience!
Nobody wants to take an unnecessary risk with their children’s health and safety. Placing them in a freshly painted bedroom certainly could pose a risk to their well-being. In most cases, your children are probably fine to sleep in their own bedrooms if you know what type of paint was used in your home. This is the real determining factor regarding whether children should be exposed to the aroma of paint fumes all night long.
If you are worried about your child’s well-being, here are a few ways to help you tell if it’s safe for them to sleep in their room.
Look at the VOCs in the paint
On your gallon of paint, you may see it reference the VOCs (volatile organic compounds) found in your paint. These compounds are emitted from the paint and can cause some serious long-term health effects with continuous exposure. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, you may suffer from eye irritation, headaches, skin reactions, or nausea among others.
With a zero to low VOC paint, your children will be fine to sleep in the bedroom the same day that it is painted. If they are simply sensitive to the smell, you can open the window and place fans in the bedroom for the first 24 hours until they return to sleeping in the room. On the other hand, a high VOC option requires a lot more time to dry properly before it stops releasing more VOCs. In this case, you should wait roughly two weeks to resume sleeping in the bedroom.
Consider your child’s tolerance for odors
Some children are bound to be more sensitive to the smell of paint than others. Keep in mind whether your child is known to be more sensitive or prone to headaches. If so, you might want to consider having their room painted early in the morning so it can dry throughout the day. Opening the windows can help to air it out so you can be ready to put the kids to bed that night.
If the room still has a strong odor by the time they need to go to bed, you may want to see if they can sleep at a friend’s house or in a different room that was not painted. With low VOC paint, the smell should be mostly gone in two to three days.
Depending on the type of paint you used, your child should be able to sleep in a freshly painted bedroom. You need one of the best interior painting companies to help you make a wise decision about what type of paint to use on your next project. Contact Madani Group today for an affordable and professional painting experience!